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Lavender Backyard Garden Mix

Went to the garden and harvested bell peppers, jalapenos, green beams and dwarf beans and lavender. I think we got a frost at the plots; my tomatoes are looking pretty sad, but they've got oodles of big toms on them, so I'm hoping that we can ripen at least a few of them. They may have had it though. We'll see.

I plan on trying to get three compost bins built: 1 larger one for the house here made out of a crate, and two smaller ones for the two plots that are without them. They are made of stackable pallet sides which have hinged corners, so I can stack four up to increase the pile and then move them around when the first is done.
I did some more weeding, watered everything, and I manured and mulched the rhubarb plants with straw and sheep poo, so they should be happy over the winter with their crowns protected. I also straightened up some of the palings which were leaning over, in order to make the place look slightly neater.
Now I need to consult my garden guide, and get my shit together over what will be planted for this autumn/winter

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